Saturday, July 4, 2009

And when my eyes opened, I saw....

The pressure that a person is under to come up with a name for something. If you've had the privilege to be a parent and procreate, you've undoubtedly had to come up with a name for your child, the fruit of your loins, your legacy....the spawn that will carry on your name hopefully forever.

So I had to come up with a name for this space. I chose "Eyes Open" because frankly, I think that I see a lot of things that nobody else sees. I read dozens of news sites daily...straight news, slanted news, religious news, political news, news about my favorite hobbies, activities, and interests. And usually, something jumps out at me that I think hasn't occurred to anybody else.

A little background....I've been in the radio business for nearly 25 years now. And most of the time I talk about subjects that would be of little or no consequence to the world. Mostly because if I gave my true opinion about certain subjects, I would be looking for work in some other field than radio. You see, I don't have the luxury that celebrities, political wonks, and no-nothing actors, singers, and athletes have. That is the ability to shoot my mouth off about anything I feel like without suffering some kind of financial penalty. I feed my family with my job. But if I don't have a job because I don't temper my words, it's the food bank for me.

So I've decided that it's time that I have a forum to spout off about whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like, how I feel like, with little or no repercussions. I don't think I'll ever run for elected office, so it's not like they'll be going through my posts with a fine tooth comb before I'm confirmed for a Supreme Court position. Who would really want the job? Or the headache? Can anyone say Sarah Palin?

Please feel free to invite people to check out the outrageous things that I'm about to say. Maybe you'll agree, maybe you won't. That's okay. I still like you. Or at least, I'll still tolerate you socially in a dinner party setting. I'm finally seeing things with my "Eyes Open".